by Immanuel Burton
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In each and every year on the twenty-fifth day of December the Nazarine world
celebrates Choggoh, which is the festival of the birth [Christmas], and many
people who are not Nazarines also celebrate then. And there are many
customs which people follow during Choggoh. Even though Choggoh is
not a Jewish festival, the author wondered in his heart to work out and to
know how the Mishnah would appear were this the case, and so the author
therefore gathered the customs and other matters which celebrants of Choggoh
are accustomed to in this pamphlet. The student has to realise that this
pamphlet is presented in the style of "Purim Torah". However, the author
has left it as an exercise to the student to find in the writings of the true Torah
the sources of phrases and conjectures found in the pamphlet, and by this the
student will be amused on Purim and will merit to study Torah at the same
time. Anyone who does not consider a matter of jesting such as this an
amusing matter - it is appropriate that he stop immediately.
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download Mishnah Choggoh (in Hebrew)
Mishnah Choggoh is copyright © Immanuel Burton 2000. All
rights reserved.